Wednesday, October 2, 2013

20 Percent Project: Introduction

                  When hearing about this new project the first thing I thought was, "Aww man we have more work for this class."  Later as I started to learn about this project I found out that this would be fun.  As every week he started to talk about it I started to get very interested.  We work on the project every Wednesday and as we kept working on it I sat down with three of my friends Antonio Pech, Steven Rivera and Jesus Ramirez.  After discussing over what we will do for the 20 Percent Project we just decided that since we all live near John Marshall Park we just decided that we will try to keep the park clean from trash.  Every Saturday we will be at the park cleaning it for an hour or two we will also be recording the data and posting before and after pictures of what the park used to be and how we will help it.