Wednesday, March 26, 2014

20 Percent Project: Blog 7

So today it is my last blog of this quarter and we are going to make new designs and actually put the designs on some T-shirts so we can get an A on this Twenty Percent Project.  Steven, Antonio, and I have made a plan to get our gear, our designs, and the money to get the hoodies and T-shirts.  Antonio has been coming up with new ways to get money such as recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans.  I also help out my uncle, a tax preparer, to do people's taxes.  I don't actually do a lot with the numbers, but I do go down an elevator to pick up clients down in the lobby and bring them to the floor my uncle is on.  In other news we got more work to get the money for the T-shirts and to get the designs on there and to actually find some designs.